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De Grendel Special Needs School

De Grendel Special Needs School is an Afrikaans medium school of skills situated in Milnerton (Cape Town).

Postal Address:

De Grendel Special Needs School, Private Bag X2, Milnerton, 7435, Cape Town, South Africa


+27 (0)21 552 3010



+27 (0)21 551 5421

Quotes about De Grendel Special Needs School

Deon Strydom
October 2006

“Schools that deny that this is taking place would be naive. It is happening and we are happy to support random drug testing."

Deon Strydom, De Grendel High School principal in Milnerton, speaking about the concept of drug testing for learners.

Nearby schools

Milnerton High School

Milnerton Primary School

Buren High School


18 October 2006

Drug testing approved


We welcome information and photos to provide more complete coverage of
De Grendel Special Needs School