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Milnerton - Cape Town : Traffic Congestion : Hovercraft plans

9 April 2006. The fast-growing Lagoon Beach, Milnerton, Table View, Parklands areas have resulted in traffic jams to the city centre (which of course has impacted on the traffic from Milnerton to Cape Town).

The City of Cape Town has agreed to lease property near the Big Bay beachfront to a company to allow them to run a fast hovercraft ferry service to the V&A Waterfront.

This will slightly ease the traffic jams from the Table Bay seaboard suburbs like Milnerton, Table View, Parklands and Blouberg to Cape Town city centre.

The hovercraft company aims to begin the hovercraft ferry service about 18 months after building two passenger-carrying hovercraft.

The lease of the land is subject to a number of conditions including an Environmental Impact Assessment and a Traffic Impact Assessment.

The two hovercraft planned each would have a capacity of 200 passengers and would depart every 35 minutes, leaving from 6am to 9.45am and again from 3.45pm to 7pm.

A hovercraft trip to the city is estimated to take some 20 to 25 minutes. Shuttle buses at the Waterfront would take commuters into the Cape Town city centre.